Dutch Woman
Dutch Woman with Candle
Dutch Woman
Screaming Woman
Sleeping Twins
Witch Holding a Baby
Bird Nesting in Skull
Baby Playing with Skull
Dead Bird
Rabbit Hiding in a Graveyard
Scotty Playing with Doll's Head
The Teacher
Sleeping Monkey
Poodle Seated in a Skull
Rabbit and Fairy
Dutch Woman with Candle
Death Disguised as a Baby Nurse
The Perfect Little Girl Who Attracted Flies
Flies Attracted to a Spring Bouquet
The River
Little Boy Sent to Play at the Edge of a Cliff
The Night
Young Christ Hugging his Teddy for Comfort
Bird Entering A Mirror
Bird Stealing a Flower from a Vase
Errant Ship Following a Land Bird
My Evening's Escort
Baby Being Tended by a Bird
Infant Sleeping with a Demon
Witch Knitting a Baby Booty (study)
Little Girl Holding Headless Doll
Dutch Hat
Violin Student Abandoned in a Dense Woods
The Sail
The Possibility that Heaven and Hell Are the Same Place
Christ Descending into Hell to Retrieve the Soul of an Unruly Cat
A Young Attractive Woman Sharing Her Love Letters with Her Older Less Attractive Sister
Terminally Vain Woman Preparing her Wardrobe to Wear into Hell
Witch Kidnapping A Teddy Bear
Skull Wearing a Baby Bonnet
Little Girl with Snake Wrapped Around Her Arm
Beetle Drinking Spilled Champagne
Christ in a Heated Discussion with the Easter Bunny
The Night Garden
Witch Dancing with her Cat
Portrait of Lost Scout Wandering a Large Underground Parking Lot
Death Disguised as a Violin Student
Death and the Drummer Boy
Christ and Witch Engaged in an Intense Conversation
Andy Warhol Taking a Photo of Jesus in Heaven
Angel Appearing to a Small Aging Poodle
Children Sleeping in Snow
Skull Wearing a Sunflower (Van Gogh in the Wheat Field at Auvers)
The Swan
Van Gogh on the Analyst's Couch
The Chicken Who Layed a Masterpiece; ink on paper; 9 inches x 7 inches; 2021
Spring Bothered by a Bee
Altared Boy
Maid and Masterpiece
Rabbit and Bone
By the Sea
Bird Entering a Mirror
The Island (A Portrait of My Childhood)
Soldier and Teddy Bear
Bird Nesting in the Eye of a Skull
High Tea with Death
Cleavage and the Cross
Death and the Ballerina
The Well Mannered A I Teen from the Future
The Swan and the Skull
A Small Dog Guarding the Entrance to Hell (after Goya)
A Small Dog's Secret Life as a Conceptualist
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