Death Disguised as a Kindly Matron
Death Disguised as a Jolly Snowman
Drunken School Girl
The Conversation
Roses and Beetle
Soldier Frightened by a Bee
Bee Seduced by Flowers in a Vase
Spider Suspended Over a Vase
Sleeping Twins
Bird Nesting in Roses
Black Rose
Abraham Lincoln Seeking Advice from a Small Talking Dog
Beetle Intrigued by a Child's Teaset
Tulips at Night
Dahlia and Plaster Cast
Sunflowers in Vase
Spider Suspended over a Vase
Beetle Crawling into a Baby Shoe
The Bride of Christ
Woman Hanged by Her Braids
Flowers in Jar
Black Glove and Zinnias
Halloween Roses
Crow Stealing a Flower from a Vase
The Quiet Terror of the English Schoolboy
Daffodils in Ginger Jar
The Second Thoughts of the Third Year Art Student (a self portrait)
My Soul is a Sailor
Spider Looking at its Reflection in a Lightly-Brewed Cup of Tea
Radishes in a Vase
Bird Entering A Mirror
The Smiling Widow
Snake and Vase
The Drunken Schoolgirl
Dutch Woman
The Fashion Conscious Nurse
Death and the Ballerina
Little Girl Wearing Black Gloves
Christ Praying for a Pony
Baby and Cat Fascinated by the Same Ball of String
Baby's First Spider
Haute Couture and the Bee
The Inner Isolation of the Girl with Red Hair
Death and the Schoolgirl
Schoolgirl Being Followed by a Stranger
The Perfect Little Girl with One Unruly Curl
The River
Little Boy Holding Teddy Bear
The Travelers
Bee Seduced by Painted Flowers on a Vase
Propriety and the Pimple
Little Girl Holding Doll's Head
Daffodils and Candles
Cat and Candle
Snow White being Awakened by a Pesky Fly
Young Ballerina with Early Thoughts of Imperfection
The Existential Crisis of the Department Store Elf
Beetle Looking at Valentine Roses
Bee Seduced by Painted Flowers on a Vase
The Existential Crisis of the Sexy Scout
The Swan
Skull Wearing A Party Hat
The Silk Rose and the Disappointed Bee (for Isabella Blow)
Death and the Fairy Princess
Cleavage and the Cross
Fairy Princess on the Analyst's Couch
Little Girl Wearing Black Gloves
Cat and Calder
Poodle and Picasso
Fly Resting on a Small Painting of Mao
The Sleepless Nights of the Aging Child Star
Sad Little Rich Girl
Small Dog with a Secret Life of an Abstract Expressionist
Bee Resting on Painting of Flowers
Socialite and Buffalo Skull
Bell Behaved A I Teen from the Future
Woman Sleeping in Front of Minimal Painting
Vogue and Voodoo
Fairy Princess and Voodoo Doll
Bee Resting on Painting of Sunflowers
The Nonbinary Ballerina
Spring Bothered by a Bee
The Inner Conflict of the Vegan Shepherdess
The Poppy Field
Skull Wearing a Baby Bonnet
The Dire Predictions of a Small Psychic Dog
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